Pest & Disease Control

Biogrow Pyrol

Broad spectrum control for high insect pressure

Pyrol, a natural plant extract, is a broad spectrum contact insecticide and should be sprayed when the target pest is active. Pyrol can be used as a curative measure to control high pest infestations. Fast acting Pests – bollworm, cutworm, ants, scale aphids, mealy bug, beetles, caterpillars, and houseflies

Biogrow Bioneem

A preventative biopesticide, from plant origin, for the control of various insects

Natural botanical insecticide, repellent, appetite loss, disrupts hormone cycle and breeding. Pests – whitefly, mites, aphids, thrips, leaf miner, various beetles, and fruit fly

Bioneem is derived from the seed kernels of the Neem tree. It acts as a growth regulator, anti-feedant and insect repellent, and it will disrupt the normal metabolic activity of crop damaging insects. Soft on beneficial insects.

Biogrow Neudosan

A target specific biopesticide, effective against soft bodied insects such as Aphids and Scale

Natural organic contact insecticide blocks pores and irritates soft-bodied insects. Very soft on beneficial insects. Pests – whitefly, mites, aphids, thrips and psylla

Neudosan is formulated using potassium salts of fatty acids which have been selected for their insecticidal effects.

Biogrow Phyta

Plant tonic to build resistance against disease.

Phyta’s immune boosting nutrients are chelated with organic acids, making it highly plant available and environmentally friendly. The formulation stimulates active healthy growth and resistance to a range of diseases.

Biogrow Copper Soap

Broad spectrum protection against fungal infections

Copper Soap is a formulation of a naturally occurring fatty acid and soluble copper. Use the lower recommended dosage rate as a preventative measure. Spray crops before wet and humid conditions occur, in order to protect your foliage from fungal infections.

Use for: Natural organic fungicide. Preventative control of downy and powdery mildew, black spot, rust, botrytis rot and early and late blight.

Biogrow Ferramol Commercial

Natural Snail and Slug Bait

Organic rain fast pellets that lure snails and slugs. Ingestion of small amounts causes loss of appetite and results in death within days. No poison and completely safe around children and pets

Ferramol is an innovative organic molluscicide that protects plants effectively, without harming beneficial insects and the surrounding environment. Ferramol is also user friendly when it comes to handling and application. The active ingredient contained in Ferramol is iron phosphate – a substance that occurs naturally in the soil.

Kannar Kangroshield 100

An organic broad-spectrum insecticide concentrate with contact and repelling action used as a full cover spray for the control of insects as listed on fruit trees, vegetables, ornamentals, and roses. Minor crops: berries, cherries, nuts, pomegranates, and figs.

Kannar Kangar 931

An organic broad-spectrum insecticide concentrate with contact and repelling action used as a full cover spray for the control of insects as listed on herbs, fruit trees, vegetables, roses, ornamentals. For use in Agriculture.

Use for control of Aphid, Spider mites, and White fly.

Kannar Pygar 932

An organic broad-spectrum insecticide concentrate with contact and repelling action used as a full cover spray for the control of insects as listed on roses, fruit trees, vegetables, and ornamentals. For use in Agriculture.

Use for control of Ants, Aphids, Astylus Beetle, CMR Beetle, Red spider mite, Thrips, White fly

DDM Diatomaceous Earth Insect Control

The most widely accepted explanation for the action of diatomite is that it absorbs or removes the epicuticle lipid layers (which consist of hydrocarbons, wax esters, and other organic chemical compounds) of the insect.  This causes excessive water loss through the cuticle of the insect and ultimately death by desiccation (dehydration) within 6 to 72 hours.

When applied to soil as a micro-nutrient, Silica strengthens plant cell tissues to resist pest and disease attack.

Kannar Kanguard

A CONTACT fungicide soluble concentrate for preventative and curative control of various diseases on crop as listed

Biogrow Finalsan

Broad spectrum organic weed killer

Natural herbicide for the control of annual weeds, moss, and algae

Finalsan is a fast acting, non-selective herbicide that controls common annual weeds, moss, and algae. Best results are obtained with young, actively growing weeds less that 12cm in height. Will also control algae and moss on driveways and patios.

Commercial Organic Plant Nutrition, Organic Plant Nutrition, Organic Fertilizer, Soil Fertility, Crop Health, Fertilizers, Soil Conditioners, Pest Control, Disease Control, Solid Fertilizers, Liquid Fertilizers, South Africa

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Commercial Organic Plant Nutrition, Organic Plant Nutrition, Organic Fertilizer, Soil Fertility, Crop Health, Fertilizers, Soil Conditioners, Pest Control, Disease Control, Solid Fertilizers, Liquid Fertilizers, South Africa